28 novembre 2023
On the occasion of the fourteenth edition of PMI Day, the national day of Small and Medium Enterprises, we had the pleasure to welcome students from “Rita Levi Montalcini” secondary school of Suisio at our headquarters.
Organized by Confindustria Bergamo – Small Industry Committee- in collaboration with local companies, the event was meant to explore the theme of freedom as an important basis to realize their own aspirations, with respect for others and toward the common good. Freedom is also a value that finds concrete expression through the development of new technologies or new ways of using the existing ones.
During the visit we introduced the students to our company, based in Suisio since 1990 and specialized in the design and production of multi-axis NC centers for the machining of advanced materials as composites, plastics and light alloys.
The students and their teachers listened to the stories from Belotti team members involved in different departments and with different educational backgrounds. The aim was to show them the validity of each educational path undertaken and the wide range of opportunities offered by the market.
The morning ended with a company tour involving all the company departments: from the offices to the warehouses, to the production area up to the inspection of our machinery in operation at the showroom.
The balance of the event was more than positive: the students showed interest, participating in an active and responsible way. Our “best of luck” goes to them all for a brilliant future, and a special thanks goes to the school Institute, the teachers and Confindustria Bergamo in the person of Dr. Massimo Bellani, who attended and introduced the PMI Day.