15 septembre 2023
“Vision: Vollautomatisierte Thermoform-Fabrik. Wie Durotherm seinen Maschinenpark in Richtung mannarme Fertigung immer weiter automatisiert”.
In the August issue of the German magazine « K-Profi » – specialized in the plastics industry – editor Eng. Gabriele Rzepka published an article dedicated to Durotherm Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH, a renowned and leading German thermoforming company. Andreas Raap, the company’s head of sales and strategic development, presents the large fleet of machines in force at the Haiterbach plant and the ongoing investments in automation and production efficiency.
These include the installation of the Belotti BEAD machining center, the hybrid technology that integrates the large-scale additive manufacturing (3D printing) with the milling process on fiber-reinforced thermoplastic materials, a technology currently in use for the production of jigs.