
Thanks to a team constantly updated on the technological innovations of the sector, Belotti provides a repair service for the components of numerical control centers in the event of malfunctions due to aging or accidental events.
Analysis, verification and repair of electrospindles, chillers, drives, motors, tool changers, high pressure pumps and teach pend are among the most requested activities that Belotti can manage thanks to many years of experience in the field.
Often the repair of some components can be economically convenient compared to their replacement.
The component’s repairing process follows the below phases:
- Evaluation and authorization of the item to be repaired
- Receipt of the item
- Assessment of problems
- Quotation and customer approval
- Repair and possible assembly
- Testing
- Delivery to the customer
Furthermore, a specific guarantee is issued for each repair.
The warranty coverage terms are always specified in the quotation.
Contact us for further technical information, sales requests or to schedule an on-line meeting.
Contact us for product information, technical support or spare parts requests.