A young and international team, tight-knit, motivated and passionate about their work.
An enthusiasm that acquires value being integrated with the experience and know-how of the veterans.
From the strength that animates the production, to the vision that guides the sales department, from the passion and knowledge of R&D to the competence, seriousness and the indomitable entrepreneurial spirit of those who manage the company.
All these ingredients generate the success of a company that represents a technological reference point in the production of CNC machining centers.

Belotti in numbers

14% Quotas for women The percentage of women working in Belotti. The quotas for women represent the symbol of our commitment to equal opportunities.
39 Age Average age of the technical team.
33 Years Years of service of the most veterans.
16 New employees In 2023-2024 we hired 16 new employees between production and offices, nine of whom are young people under 30.
"The showroom is our competition area; here we develop and deepen our technology"

“The applications of Belotti technology draw a horizon made of innovation, performance and excellence. We produce machining centers that serve to build the future.
Engineering design has always been a very high value in Belotti: the technologies we create must meet the production needs of companies that offer products on the market characterized by very high technological standards and a great content in terms of innovation.
This is why our machining centers have always come to life from a vision and a research aimed at optimizing the performance of our customers.
These distinctive traits make up our DNA and are the business cards we love to spend on every occasion”.

Umberto Belotti, CEO Belotti S.p.A.


Irene Finardi CFO & HR Manager

Irene has been an active part of the company’s growth for several years as HR Manager and CFO.
Within the HR function, she accompanies Belotti SpA in the quantitative and qualitative growth of human capital, in line with a precise three-year business plan and intercepting professional figures oriented to innovative and smart working methods.
Supporting collaborators with a welfare plan and a motivating remuneration policy, being the reference point in the management of critical issues of each department in terms of human resources and organization (encouraging the implementation of innovative technological tools), managing the remuneration policy in synergy with the CEO and in line with the budget, managing the monthly payroll of the parent company and the branches as well as developing relations with labor unions and industrial associations are some of the main functions performed in this area.
The role of CFO also leads her to coordinate and structure reports relating to the finance and tax activities of both the parent company and the branches, managing investments, cash flows and drafting balance sheets and income statements to support the Management for the verification of company performance in terms of EBITDA.

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Giovanni Pagnoncelli Application Engineering Department

Giovanni has been working in Belotti for almost 40 years and he actually represents a reference point of the company. He is part of Belotti’s legacy by holding, not only many technical skills applied to different sectors, but also live memories of shared challenges at work and friendly moments outside the office. His smiling and positive attitude is a source of inspiration for the whole team, as well as his motivation. “For me, Belotti is a school of life. It is the chance to constantly improving myself. Above all, it is my life.”

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Loris Valsecchi Sales Director

Loris joined the company in 2018 into the Application Engineering Office. Thanks to his advanced technical skills, he has immediately been in charge of a particularly complex, international project, both in terms of final application’s needs and solution’s technical features. He accomplished his tasks successfully and his responsibilities rapidly grew within the team. Steering his career path towards the end-user markets, he became Product Sales Manager. Indeed, his ability to match technical skills and business acumen leads him to a comprehensive understanding of customers’ specific concerns and needs. Nowadays, he is the Sales Director of Belotti. “I grew up playing with mechanical parts in the shopfloor of my family’s business. Pretty soon, it has been clear to me how technical know-how is the key yet needs to be integrated with a customer-centred view. I am happy to apply this belief into my daily practice and strategies in Belotti.”

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If you are interested in working in Belotti, please send us your application. We will evaluate it carefully: we are always looking for new talents to be included in our company departments.

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